Port Royal Cares.

We’re adapting our operations to provide the safest, family fun experience possible at Port Royal Ocean Resort. See what we’re doing to keep your family and our teams safe.

Front Desk


In order to promote the health and safety of our guests, teams, and to expedite the check-in process, we have implemented a digital check-in system. After you made your reservation, you should have received a digital check-in form in order to fill out your registration prior to arriving. You’ll also receive an email reminder to do your self-screen on the day before your arrival.


If you haven’t received your documents and they aren’t in your spam/junk folders, please call our reservation team at 1-800-242-1034 so they can resend it to you.




Each condo suite will be cleaned thoroughly between each stay. However, due to on-going staffing shortages, our Housekeeping team will not be providing daily services in our condo suites.


Food & Beverage Service

The restaurant is open for in-house dining and delivery. Guests may continue to order food from our outlets via the Port Royal app and by calling ahead. Restaurant hours may change based on private events.


Our Teams


Our dedicated Safety Manager continues to monitor the advice of our state and local government officials, the Center for Disease Control, and the World Health Organization. Our Task Force meets regularly on Zoom to address updates and continually adjust our operational processes.


We have implemented Employee Daily Self Screenings and PPE policies to ensure best practices for distancing and safety are being followed.


Our staff are provided sick days and paid time off to help them overcome illnesses or care for family members. Any employees returning to property after an illness are required to provide a doctor’s release and participate in a safety screening.


Our teams are focused on keeping our property clean, training, and triple-checking our plans and procedures to be sure we’re on track.


We’re working hard to be Port Royal Strong so that you can focus on Family Fun!

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